Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In the Mail: Man in White

I just received a new book in the mail: Man in White by Johnny Cash -- yes, the one and only Johnny Cash! This is a novel based on the life of the Apostle Paul -- yup, you read that sentence correctly too. The book was first published in 1986, on the heels of a very dark time in Cash's personal and professional life in which Cash was battling addiction to painkillers (Michael Streissguth, Johnny Cash: The Biography, 215).

Here's the publisher's blurb for Man in White:

Johnny Cash. The Apostle Paul.

Passionate. Controversial. Fiery. Destructive. Redeemed.

Two legendary men. Two thousand years apart-yet remarkably similar.

Both struggled with a "thorn in the flesh." And both had powerful visions from God.

Paul's encounter with the Man in White knocked him to the ground and struck him blind. It also turned him into one of the most influential men in history.

Johnny Cash's vision was of another man entirely-his recently deceased father-a vision that helped spark his imagination to write this historical novel about the amazing life of the intriguing figure with whom Cash identified so deeply-the Apostle Paul.

See Paul as you've never seen him before--through the creative imagination of one of the greatest singer-songwriters America has ever known. Subsequently see Johnny Cash, the man in Black, as you've never seen him before--as a passionist novelist consumed with the Man In White.

I look forward to reading this book and reviewing it here!

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